Our Father Who Art In Heaven

Our Father Who Art In Heaven | September 29th

Praying can sometimes be discouraging if you do not see a breakthrough immediately, especially if that need is pressing. Remembering God's location is the key to not giving up on your prayer. See, God is not stuck in the past nor confined to the present or the distant future. Instead, God leads from eternity in heaven, and at the same time, His presence is with us here on earth. Jesus explained this crucial understanding of prayer when He taught the disciples how to communicate with our Heavenly Father. Matthew 6:9 records, "Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven..."
Jesus provided a model for prayer in His example and this teaching. Notice first that He began by calling God, Father.

In the Old Testament, while reverence was practiced, the relationship between the believer and the Lord was limited. The coming of the Messiah changed that perspective and line of contact. By calling God Father, the believer now enjoys a closer connection and can express needs as a child would to their parent. Next, Jesus tells us that our Father is in heaven.
Scripture tells us that God reigns over the world's nations from His holy throne in heaven. Psalm 47:8 declares, "God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne." Hebrews 4:16 states, "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

While God's throne is indeed in heaven, the Bible also teaches that He is omnipresent, meaning His presence is simultaneously everywhere.

Combining these facts about God reigning from His throne and His unique ability to be with us, we can pray confidently, knowing that our requests are reaching the place of sovereign rulership in heaven, yet be comforted that God is with us while we wait.
Knowing this, keep praying for those petitions that agree with the Father's Will. These include praying for loved ones to come to Christ, healing miracles, breakthroughs, and blessings. Also, keep putting your concerns before your heavenly Father. Tangible needs like your monthly bills, family concerns, and inward stressors. God cares about it all.

Remember, He is our Father who is with us and answers prayer because He reigns from heaven.

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