Who Was St. Patrick?

Who Was St. Patrick? | Sunday, March 17, 2024

On March 17, 461, an honorable man named Maewyn Succat, also known as Saint Patrick, died. History says that Irish raiders abducted him at 16 and enslaved him for several years in Ireland. During this time, Patrick had a dream in which God spoke to him, saying, "Your ship is ready." Patrick was then able to escape Ireland by ship. Shortly after, he experienced another dream in which he received a letter labeled the "voice of the Irish." When he opened it, he heard the voices of all those he had met in Ireland begging him to return. Saint Patrick then returned to Ireland to tell people about Christ. During the thirty years of work there, some say that God used him to convert over 135,000 people, establish 300 churches, and consecrate 350 bishops.

Although Patrick was never officially canonized by the Catholic Church, the historical record of his ministerial work carries great significance in the hearts of Catholics worldwide. His faithfulness to God and willingness to risk his life by proclaiming the gospel is a reason to celebrate this servant's life. Thus, the 17th of every March, which marks the day of Patrick's passing, is widely regarded as St. Patrick's Day. In Ireland, it is a national holiday. In America, national recognition soared with the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York on March 17, 1762.

Sadly, society hijacked St. Patrick's Day. Rather than remembering a man who dedicated his life to serving God, St. Patty's Day relates to drinking and partying. This misplaced passion is a microcosm of the ills of our present-day society. Today, in America, there is a prevailing ideology of instant gratification at any cost. Often, this price includes our character and morality. Even in particular churches, the focus is on getting instead of giving. These jaded perspectives fly in the opposite direction of what the gospel teaches.

Like Patrick, the favored servant who touched many lives in Ireland, let us look to serve God rather than ourselves. Let all that we are represent the risen Lord. The call to be God's ambassador is reserved for every believer. Second Corinthians 5:20 says, "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."

By no means was Patrick a perfect man. Like each of us, he was born with sin but humbly trusted God. May we always remember to honor the Lord and our purpose to represent Christ in the world.

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