Posts with the category “thinking”

Think About The Source Of Your Words
November 16th, 2023
Have you ever snapped at someone and then blamed your lack of sleep, needing a cup of coffee, or being hungry for being rude? If so, you are not alone. Typically, we look to scapegoat our harsh speech...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Think Before You Talk
November 15th, 2023
Have you ever said something and wished you could take it back moments later? The words didn't come out right, or the tone was harsh. Maybe you spoke too soon, without all the facts. When this happens...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Garbage In, Garbage Out
October 13th, 2023
A proverbial saying that has guided people to a greater awareness of healthy living is the phrase, "You are what you eat." The notion is that to be both fit and achieve physical wellness, you need to ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
God Acts On Behalf Of Those Who Wait On Him
October 3rd, 2023
When it comes to waiting for someone to do something, it can carry a negative connotation. For example, if a friend owes you a favor but has yet to follow through. Perhaps you need help, but the other...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Stop Making Excuses And Start Making Adjustments 
October 2nd, 2023
With ninety-one days left in 2023, what changes can you make to end the year well and position you for success in 2024? Like everyone else, you probably have a "do-over" list, but since those choices ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Getting Out Of Your Mental Pit
September 28th, 2023
Regarded as the world's deepest pit, Bingham Canyon Mine is 2.75 miles wide and 0.75 miles deep. To give you an idea of how massive this pit is, if Bingham Canyon was a sports stadium, it could seat 9...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Think Through Your Actions
September 18th, 2023
How often have you caught yourself saying, "I should not have done that." Or, "I wish I knew this beforehand." That is why hindsight is always twenty-twenty when it comes to choices. However, you can ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray