You Can Overcome Distraction

You Can Overcome Distraction | January 18, 2024

Life includes many distractions, e.g., adversity, pursuing wealth, chasing pleasures, social media, television, current events, etc. Even our smart devices intended to make our lives easier add unnecessary diversion and compromise our focus and possibly our integrity.

So then, how do we overcome our distractions? Some of the most significant counsel we receive comes from those with faith and life experience. Such was the case for this customer service representative I spoke with last year when making a technology purchase. We started chatting about God and His care for us, to which she shared a precious truth from her mother, Sheena, who taught her, "A person who follows the path of God can never be distracted from his own conscience."

See, the key to overcoming the distractions and difficulties of life comes down to trusting God's path over our own. Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."

We tend to think our way is best, but that isn't the case. Thus, we need to consider the big picture. The path that excludes God leads to trouble and pain, sometimes with irreversible consequences. However, when we trust God and believe He knows what's best for us, we will eliminate distractions, focus on depending upon Him, and live life for His purposes. There will be no regret when we live this way.

Proverbs 2:20 says, "So you will walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous."

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