Nation Of Heroes

Nation Of Heroes | May 27, 2024

In our society, athletes and actors are often seen as heroes. However, playing sports or acting is not necessarily a heroic duty, especially considering players' high salaries. The real heroes are the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in the armed services.

Our calendar is marked with two special days that hold significant meaning: Veterans Day (observed on November 11th) and Memorial Day (the last Monday in May). While both days are important, Memorial Day holds a unique place. It is a day dedicated to honoring and remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in military service, a sacrifice that should never be forgotten.

The distinction between these two days is significant. Both holidays are important, but Memorial Day is to be observed with a specific type of reverence and respect. We should regard those who have died in combat or from injuries related to battle as true American heroes. As believers in Jesus Christ, we should highly value laying down one's life. John 15:13 says, "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends."

‌It's a tremendous oversight not to be thankful and respectful of those who have paid the ultimate price. I was reminded of this while visiting the Hoboken World War II Memorial again this past weekend. On their memorial stone, they have engraved the following statement: "Sorry is a nation that has no heroes; Sorrier yet is a nation that forgets its heroes."

Understanding the significance of Memorial Day, let us not just remember the fallen but actively honor them. Let us hold them in the highest honor and care for their families, who have also made a significant sacrifice. Let us also extend our love and support to our Veteran community, especially those who have suffered life-changing injuries, as a testament to our gratitude for their service.

To God be the glory that we have a nation of heroes.

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