Rescue-Me Prayers

Rescue-Me Prayers | August 15th

At times, life can be overwhelming. Problems pile up. Struggles seem insurmountable. Then, before you know it, the floodgates of fear are upon you. When you find yourself in these deep waters, you must pray "rescue-me type prayers."

David, God's psalmist, found himself in a similar situation. Take notice of his plea for rescue when he prays, "Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. 2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. 3 I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. 4 More in number than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause; mighty are those who would destroy me, those who attack me with lies." (Psalm 69:1-4.)

Pouring out his heart, David, in faith, prayed for God to save him from his fears and foes. He explained how desperate his conditions had become. The imagery of floodwaters references how the circumstances were decreasing him mentally. He shares about his weariness, referring to physical depletion. He also includes how his view became dim while waiting for God, meaning he was spiritually drained. He mentions being parched, which points toward emotional dehydration. David even prayed about his people drama in this "rescue-me prayer!"

See, we need rescue prayers because our troubles have a way of causing fatigue in just about every area of our lives. Like David, we must be sincere and transparent when talking to God. David continued, "My prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me in your saving faithfulness. 14 Deliver me from sinking in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep waters. 15 Let not the flood sweep over me, or the deep swallow me up, or the pit close its mouth over me." (Psalm 69:13-15)

Sometimes, the deepest pit, although dark and dreary, can produce the most incredible light by making us aware of the need to depend on God entirely. Whether in the hole or not, remember that God always stands ready to rescue you!

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