Treat People Right

Treat People Right | February 26, 2024
Maturity shows up in relationships. How you treat others matters to God and should matter to you. To help us with this critical responsibility, Jesus reflects selflessness and sincerity in His version of the Golden Rule: "In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12.)
Interestingly, a version of the Golden Rule appears in many world religions and cultures. But whether it's the Bible or other religious documents, it is universally acceptable to treat people right. But if you still need to be convinced this is important, take the common sense approach. For example, imagine saying to someone, "Can you please treat me worse than I treat you?" You will not find anyone saying that because everyone wants fair treatment.
See the Golden Rule ensures that you will be ethical and show integrity with others. Sometimes, treating others right will not be a popular decision. In some cases, it may prove costly regarding patience, pride, or popularity. The Josephson Institute of Ethics observed, "Ethics is about how we meet the challenge of doing the right thing when that will cost more than we want to pay."
The Golden Rule helps eliminate any wavering regarding ethical decisions. And as you seek to treat people right, a common ground of respect is often reciprocated.
In addition, approaching relationships this way doesn't mean you will see eye to eye with everyone. Instead, the Golden Rule allows you to disagree with others without being disagreeable. To be disagreeable is the equivalent of being offensive, prideful, rude, or obnoxious. Whereas respectfully disagreeing maintains the connection regardless of how far apart your views may be.
Remember that we all blow it when treating people right—but thankfully, God offers forgiveness. If we are to follow God's golden guideline, we must pray for His help and the will to follow His standard!
Interestingly, a version of the Golden Rule appears in many world religions and cultures. But whether it's the Bible or other religious documents, it is universally acceptable to treat people right. But if you still need to be convinced this is important, take the common sense approach. For example, imagine saying to someone, "Can you please treat me worse than I treat you?" You will not find anyone saying that because everyone wants fair treatment.
See the Golden Rule ensures that you will be ethical and show integrity with others. Sometimes, treating others right will not be a popular decision. In some cases, it may prove costly regarding patience, pride, or popularity. The Josephson Institute of Ethics observed, "Ethics is about how we meet the challenge of doing the right thing when that will cost more than we want to pay."
The Golden Rule helps eliminate any wavering regarding ethical decisions. And as you seek to treat people right, a common ground of respect is often reciprocated.
In addition, approaching relationships this way doesn't mean you will see eye to eye with everyone. Instead, the Golden Rule allows you to disagree with others without being disagreeable. To be disagreeable is the equivalent of being offensive, prideful, rude, or obnoxious. Whereas respectfully disagreeing maintains the connection regardless of how far apart your views may be.
Remember that we all blow it when treating people right—but thankfully, God offers forgiveness. If we are to follow God's golden guideline, we must pray for His help and the will to follow His standard!

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