What To Do When You Drift From God?
July 24th, 2024
Have you ever had the experience of being in the ocean and drifting away? Whether swimming, body-surfing, boogie-boarding, or fishing, your position can change unknowingly within minutes. Aldi Novel A...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Are Your Problems Backing You Into A Corner?
July 23rd, 2024
Problems have a way of pushing people around. They can back us into a corner, whether it's drama from within or outside our homes. In those times of trouble, we need to seek God as many characters in ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Chase Whatever God Approves
July 22nd, 2024
One of the most powerful personal rules that will serve you well is the commitment to only chase what God approves. This rule means that daily decisions you make internally and externally should align...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Wellness And Your Words
July 21st, 2024
Clean nutritional meal plans, custom workout programs, and mindfulness practices are pathways to greater health. However, if you're seeking to thrive wholly, don't leave out your mouth! Psalm 34:12-13...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Trust God To Provide
July 20th, 2024
According to the Smithsonian's National Zoo And Conservation Biology Institute, "Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs, teeth and jaws for pulling down and killing prey." Concerning ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Healthy Fear Leads To Blessing
July 19th, 2024
At times, fear can seem like an impossible mountain to climb. Fear can take various forms, such as the fear of going to the dentist, the fear of flying, or the fear of rejection. These fears are consi...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Getting Into A Peaceful State Of Mind
July 18th, 2024
  We live in a world filled with problems and pain. Jesus warned us about this reality in John 16:33: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trou...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
We Can Defeat Worry
July 17th, 2024
A recently licensed pilot was flying his private plane on a cloudy day. When the control tower was to bring him in, he began to get panicky. Then, a stern voice came over the radio, "You just obey ins...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
God Is Fully Aware Of Your Adversity
July 16th, 2024
A common fear and frustration associated with adversity is the thought that God has forgotten us. After all, if He is all-powerful, why would He allow problems in our home or the world to go unanswere...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Break Free With Honesty
July 15th, 2024
The Prussian king, Frederick the Great, once toured a Berlin prison. As was customary when the king came through, the prisoners fell on their knees before him to proclaim their innocence—except for on...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Taste God's Goodness
July 14th, 2024
According to the National Library of Medicine, taste has traditionally centered around five basic taste qualities: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, or savory. The NLOM also notes that advances from ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Angels Are In Your Corner
July 13th, 2024
Angels Are In Your Corner | July 13thWhen a round in a boxing match begins or ends, a familiar sound is the ringing of a bell. After each round, the fighters can return to their corner to receive assi...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
God's Ears And Our Tears
July 12th, 2024
Have you ever considered the science of crying? There is a physiological understanding of how and why the body produces tears to lubricate the eyes, but the purpose of tears goes beyond ophthalmologic...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Put On Shame Repellent
July 11th, 2024
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "radiant" means happiness, vividly bright and shining, glowing, and marked with confidence. Interestingly, David describes himself this way despite being i...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Delivered From Fear
July 10th, 2024
Have you noticed that when going through a season of struggle, sometimes, the fear concerning the outcome becomes greater than the problem itself? Thus, fear will try to sneak into your thoughts like ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Celebrate Freedom
July 4th, 2024
What memories come to mind when you think of the 4th of July? Perhaps it's a blend of fireworks, burgers, hotdogs, vacations, swimming, family, friends, parades, or patriotic music. These activities a...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Talk To God During Extreme Testing
July 3rd, 2024
We know all too well that no one is exempt from trials. Thus, when trouble comes, we typically pray. However, when the heat is turned up, and tribulations seem unending, we tend to blame God and walk ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Refuse To Give Up
July 2nd, 2024
In 1968, the Olympic Games took place in Mexico City. During the marathon, Tanzanian runner John Akhwari fell early in the race, dislocating a knee and injuring a shoulder. Despite the pain, he contin...  Read More
by Pastor Ray