Delivered From Fear

Delivered From Fear | July 10th
Have you noticed that when going through a season of struggle, sometimes, the fear concerning the outcome becomes greater than the problem itself? Thus, fear will try to sneak into your thoughts like a thief and rob you of your peace. Whether the trouble involves poor health, a lack of money, or people drama, fear is usually not far behind.
David from the Old Testament could relate. After literally running for his life from King Saul and evading a potential secondary threat from King Achish of Gath, David hid in the Cave of Adullham. However, as fast as he made it there, his fears caught up with him. See, no matter how far we run or where we go, fear comes with us unless we do something about it.
Psalm 34:4 reveals a winning strategy for overcoming fear when it says, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." This verse is David's testimony concerning his life-threatening trials with King Saul. David is saying that his fear was a clear and present danger to his overall well-being.
You may have had a similar experience concerning fear. You go through some adversity, and the fallout produces a monsoon of fear. You try to shake it and sleep it off, but fear is present day after day. Your only hope, like David, is to declare God's goodness (Psalm 34:1-4) and seek Him for deliverance. See, God is the one who parts your Red Sea (Exodus 14), your fourth man in the fire (Daniel 3), the power that stills the storm (Matthew 8:23-27). Therefore, seek the Lord specifically for the grace to get through troubles, discernment to respond prudently, and courage to move forward. I believe David sought the Lord intentionally, and God responded with inspiration to overshadow any dangers of fear.
Seek the Lord purposefully because His grace stretches to our cave experiences. While our reasoning for being in the cave may differ from David's, our worries are similar, which means seeking the Lord is our only recourse for being delivered from fear.
David from the Old Testament could relate. After literally running for his life from King Saul and evading a potential secondary threat from King Achish of Gath, David hid in the Cave of Adullham. However, as fast as he made it there, his fears caught up with him. See, no matter how far we run or where we go, fear comes with us unless we do something about it.
Psalm 34:4 reveals a winning strategy for overcoming fear when it says, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." This verse is David's testimony concerning his life-threatening trials with King Saul. David is saying that his fear was a clear and present danger to his overall well-being.
You may have had a similar experience concerning fear. You go through some adversity, and the fallout produces a monsoon of fear. You try to shake it and sleep it off, but fear is present day after day. Your only hope, like David, is to declare God's goodness (Psalm 34:1-4) and seek Him for deliverance. See, God is the one who parts your Red Sea (Exodus 14), your fourth man in the fire (Daniel 3), the power that stills the storm (Matthew 8:23-27). Therefore, seek the Lord specifically for the grace to get through troubles, discernment to respond prudently, and courage to move forward. I believe David sought the Lord intentionally, and God responded with inspiration to overshadow any dangers of fear.
Seek the Lord purposefully because His grace stretches to our cave experiences. While our reasoning for being in the cave may differ from David's, our worries are similar, which means seeking the Lord is our only recourse for being delivered from fear.
Posted in Faith

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