God Of The Final Say

God Of The Final Say | October 1, 2023

Life can sometimes feel like one big continuous news cycle of negativity. It could be a series of bad breaks, family drama, or medically related. Typically, anxiety and stress increase in these times. However, you have reason for hope. Regardless of how bleak your situation is, remember God has the final say --not your medical report or some naysayer. Proverbs 16:1 reminds us, "We may make our plans, but God has the last word."

‌Today, our family is taking great joy in the certainty of God's final say. My nephew Brandon was diagnosed with several projected brain complications during his time in the womb. Doctors were less than positive and encouraging, to say the least, even recommending that the pregnancy (Brandon's life) be terminated. However, my brother and sister-in-law are not only some of the best people you can know, but they are people of faith who trusted God for a miracle. On October 1, 2021, their miracle child was born healthy and happier than the medical projections ever imagined. Brandon has had several surgeries, but with each one, we see God's faithfulness and Brandon's testimony of bravery growing.

‌Join me today in declaring God's goodness, asking for God's continued blessing on Brandon, and trusting God's final say!

‌Nahum 1:7 says, "The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him."

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