We Need Battle Prayers

We Need Battle Prayers  | September 28, 2024

Every successful military campaign contained battle plans that led to victory. So, likewise, you need "battle prayers" when fighting temptation if you want to win and advance.

See, temptation and struggles require spiritual responses. Accordingly, Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens."

Trying to fight and fend off the latest attack with willpower or good intentions is the equivalent of throwing snowballs at heat-seeking missiles coming your way. Instead, there needs to be a more robust response. Numerous Bible passages, parables, and promises tell us this response is prayer.

Your first and wisest form of weaponry in the ongoing battle with temptation and trials is prayer. The Scriptures even provide good verses for injecting hope into your heart, which read like a prayer. God did this on purpose. He knows that when we are in the heat of the battle, we sometimes get disoriented and forget to pray. We even get discouraged and become filled with doubt. Thus, God has given verses that serve as "battle prayers" to help us weather the storms of temptation and become victorious.

Psalm 119:133 says, "Make my steps steady through your promise; don't let any sin dominate me."

Committing these verses to memory will stabilize your faith and help you win the battle. If you make it your business to review at least one Bible verse regarding temptation and trials per week, you will have stored 52 missiles for combat in a year!

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