Locating Your Cause Of Pain

Locating Your Cause Of Pain | August 28th

One day, a man visited his doctor because he was in excruciating pain. The doctor asked him, “Where does it hurt?” The man answered, “All over.” The doctor told the man to touch his shoulder. The man touched his shoulder and cried out in pain. Next, the doctor told the man to touch his forehead. The man touched his forehead and cried out in pain again. Finally, the doctor told the man to touch his knee. The man touched his knee and winced in pain. He said, “Doctor, everywhere I touch, I’m in pain.” The doctor thoroughly examined the man and concluded, “No wonder you are in pain everywhere you touch – you have a dislocated finger!”

While we may get a good laugh at the ridiculousness of this man’s situation, there are glaring similarities to how we approach our emotional pain. We are quick to misdiagnose our pain, shift blame on other people, and maybe even think God has purposely caused us pain because of something we did. However, like that man’s injured finger, we can dislocate our faith in God. Thus, we find that our jaded perspective of pain results from our displaced faith in God.

In the case of a dislocated finger, the finger itself is moved from its normal position. Unfortunately, that can happen to our faith as well. A tragic event, unfair circumstances, family problems, a health crisis, busyness, apathy, or a season of bad choices can misplace the position of faith in our lives.

Our faith and relationship with God need to always be our top priority. If we let everything else take precedence over our faith and lean on God only when we have a problem, we risk prolonging our struggle. God needs to be front and center in our lives. Anything else is just settling for less. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

As you seek after God with a sincere heart, your faith will be where it needs to be, which is in the Lord. Turning to God will help you deal with your pain and provide the peace you need to move forward.
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