How Does God Deal With Our Doubt?

How Does God Deal With Our Doubt? | December 20th 

Experiencing spiritual doubt is more common than people may realize. A study from the Barna Group revealed that two-thirds of Christians interviewed deal with doubt! Of that numerical figure, approximately 45% leave the Church altogether. The same report provided percentages concerning where people go when they doubt. The top response was Friends and Family, coming in at 40%, with the Bible in second at 29%, the Church in third at 22%, followed by Spouses at 19%, Pastors or Spiritual Leaders at 18%, Books at 15%, and Online Searches came in at 12%.

Doubt is a clear and present struggle, and people respond in various ways. But have you ever considered how God deals with our doubt?
To understand this question, look closely at the Christmas narrative. Zechariah and Mary doubted Gabriel's messages about their sons, but God's response differed. In Luke 1:18-20, Zechariah did not believe that his wife Elizabeth could conceive a child, and for good reason because she was in her 80s! As a result, Zechariah's doubt led to the angel punishing him by stopping his speech during Elizabeth's pregnancy. However, when Mary doubted, the angel did not punish or even chastise her for questioning him. Instead, Luke 1:34-35 says, "Mary asked the angel, 'How can this be, since I have not had sexual relations with a man?' 35 The angel replied to her, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.' "

Understanding the difference between Zechariah's doubt and Mary's questioning will help you to know how God deals with our doubts. It will also position you to trust God more and effectively respond when doubt crowds your mind. Because a notable example (Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 21:2-4) had similar circumstances, Zechariah, a priest and follower of the Lord, should've leaned on that precedent. In contrast, Mary's pregnancy was unprecedented and involved the Messiah.

Thus, God fully knows why we may question His plan and timing. However, if we neglect what He has said, we are guilty of doubting without a cause.
Knowing this, let's seek the Scriptures for answers and wait on God for clarification.

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