
Declare God's Goodness | September 10, 2023

Around this time of the year, college and professional football begin their seasons. Campuses and cities nationwide will have stadiums packed with fans cheering for their teams on their opening days. Everyone has a sense of optimism during week one of a new season. However, those cheers can quickly turn to jeers if the team doesn't perform well. Either way, fans will express their allegiance and affection for their favorite teams regardless of the outcome.

‌As fun as watching sports can be, there is a more significant place for our devotion. Sure, enjoy watching your team, but never forget to voice your praise to God. We do this by declaring God's goodness. But what exactly does that mean? Expressing God's goodness points to remembering the blessings He has given you and previous generations, as referenced in the Bible. Many of those examples become foundation stones for greater faith today. Likewise, declaring God's goodness considers His character qualities of faithfulness and graciousness.

‌Knowing this, when we pray, we should declare God's goodness. When we attend church, we can participate in singing songs that proclaim the message of the Scriptures and the Lord's unparalleled majesty. The more we declare God's goodness, the bolder we become in our belief in His ability to move in our lives. See, our problem is not God's unmatched power; it's our puny perspective of Him that hinders us. We must remember that we serve and pray to a mighty God who can work in and through us because of His goodness, not ours.

‌Thus, we should place our attention on His goodness.

‌Nahum 1:7 says, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him."

‌See, there is a connection between God's goodness and our responsibility to declare it. Psalm 31:19 says, "Oh, how great is your goodness to those who publicly declare that you will rescue them. For you have stored up great blessings for those who trust and reverence you."

‌As a child of God, I encourage you to declare the goodness of almighty God today and every day. If you are physically able, declare His goodness at church.

‌To God be the glory for His incredible goodness!

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