Prayer For Students And Schools

Prayer For Students And Schools | September 7, 2023

Whether you live in the South, where school starts back up in August, or here in the North East, where school traditionally begins this week, you know that the new academic year brings its fair share of challenges. However, the pressures of students and faculty members extend far beyond math, history, and science or reports.

In recent years, indoctrination of the gender confusion agenda has replaced education within the higher halls of learning, particularly in public schooling. Even children with special needs are not off limits from these attacks. Thankfully, some principals and teachers do not support this manipulative ideology. These educators, and especially the students, need our prayers. Regardless of whether your kids are not under fire this way, in private schools, or have their classroom years behind them, every believer should take up the cause of praying for students and schools.

Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

One of the primary ways we "bear" the burdens of others is through sincere prayer. Thus, we pray for total transparency from school boards and departments on all education matters, especially sexual or sensational content. We pray that parents have discernment and prudence in addressing and preparing for these needs. We pray that our special needs children will be valued and protected from propaganda.
Equally important is that we pray for the overall safety of students from violence and drugs. We also pray for any student being bullied to reach out and seek help.

With some of these concerns in mind, here is our prayer for students and schools:

Lord, we know you love all these children in the schools regardless of their background or beliefs. We know you highly value their innocence and blamelessness. Therefore, protect them from immorality and inappropriate materials that are readily available in some schools under the guise of curriculum. Help our elected officials and educational decision-makers to feel the conviction of putting children at risk.

Also, we ask that you protect children from violence, peer pressure, and suicide. We ask that you provide strength for our teachers and bless their steadfastness in standing up for what is honorable in your eyes. Cover these students, teachers, and schools with your grace and mercy. May you bless our schools with safety and success today and each day the bell rings.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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