Strive To Always Be Sincere

Strive To Always Be Sincere | September 5, 2023

If you have written letters or sent emails, you most likely have used the complimentary close, "Yours sincerely." Have you ever wondered why you do this? The practice has its origins in ancient Rome. Roman sculptors often concealed cracks in apparently flawless marble statues with melted beeswax. When the wax dried and crumbled, the angry purchaser sought compensation. Reputable sculptors guaranteed their work as sine sera, which means 'without wax.' hence 'Yours sincerely.'

Sadly, our culture encourages us to use the beeswax! The idea is that "if you can fake it, you can make it," but this isn't God's will for followers of Christ. We are called to be sincere people of integrity and good character. Rather than looking to conceal and misrepresent our cracks, the Bible calls each of us to strive toward sincerity. Romans 12:9a says, "Love must be sincere…"

A lack of sincerity can damage a relationship because it compromises trust and confidence. It's hard to move forward with someone or accept their word as merit-worthy if they are hypocritical. See, the moment your actions peg you as a disingenuous person is when your credibility and commitment are questioned. More importantly, your representation of Christ takes a significant hit.

Any of us can fall into the trap of insincerity. Telltale signs would be judgmental, manipulative, selfish, and boastful behavior. Regarding bragging, our society is obsessed with broadcasting their good deeds. We've become a painstakingly notorious culture for taking selfies of charitable acts. Snapping a photo of helping the homeless or the afflicted is a form of exploitation and reveals a heart that is anything but sincere. If someone else is documenting it for the news or a report, that's up to them, but posing with people in impoverished conditions is unconscionable. We must guard against these convoluted expressions of Christianity carefully and remain committed to being genuine in everything we do, especially concerning those suffering.

May God bless every sincere prayer and act of service we do, and may we keep it between ourselves and God.

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