Get Your Priorities In Order

Get Your Priorities In Order | August 20, 2023

All your responsibilities are meaningful—faith, family, work, school, volunteerism, nutrition, exercise, and friendships. And like most people, you undoubtedly try your best. However, there never seems to be enough time or energy to make it all work. At one time, I felt the same way until I discovered and made this little yet powerful change. See, God wants us to be diversified in our commitments but not at the expense of our relationship with Him. Thus, if we are willing to make our faith the priority instead of a number on a list, everything else important to us will benefit significantly.

A phrase that President John F. Kennedy popularized puts that into perspective when it says, "A rising tide lifts all boats." He made that statement in connection with a speech on the economy; however, the implications are relatable to any area of life, especially to prioritizing your life around Jesus. Raising your commitment to the Lord will lift everything else in your life. The closer you walk with the Lord, the better your attitude becomes. Also, you develop the endurance to make what once seemed impossible become doable. You manage your time better and rediscover passion. Even the pains of this life, such as grief, illness, and anxiety, seem to have a looser grip on you when God is at the center.

To put God at the center, start with church. Get to service today, sing, pray, listen, share, and enjoy the blessings of the Lord. Remember, our enemy, the devil, will fight your desire to attend church, pray, and read the Bible more than anything else. I suppose if you and I were going to a bar or a club, we'd have no interference from hell!

With this in mind, let us seek God and let everything else revolve around that priority. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

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