Praying For Real Comfort

Praying For Real Comfort | August 4th

Perhaps you have found yourself praying like this concerning comfort:

Comfort me, Lord, and pay my bills

Comfort me, Lord, and cure my ills

Comfort me, Lord, and remove my fears

Comfort me, Lord, and dry my tears

Comfort me, Lord, and increase my wealth

Comfort me, Lord, and preserve my health

Comfort me, Lord, and plead my case

Comfort me, Lord, and enlarge my place

Comfort me, Lord, and tell me "Why?"

Comfort me, Lord, and set me on high

Comfort me, Lord, and do what I say

Comfort me, Lord, and do it today

The Spirit listened as I uttered my mind. He said not a word as I pleaded and pined, And then He spoke in the language of conviction, saying, "Comfort isn't comfort in the absence of affliction."
Often we think that true comfort is found in having perfect circumstances. Yet, remember that comfort is not the absence of trouble. Instead, comfort is knowing that God is with you in the midst of it!

Second Corinthians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort."

An encouraging and accurate thought concerning God is that He fully understands you and your troubles. There is nothing that happens without His knowledge. He will even use the difficulties of your day to draw you closer to Him. Your ability to move forward amid adversity is tied to having legitimate confidence in God's mercy and comfort. We must also clean up our shallow prayers of convenience and realize that God has a greater plan for our lives than we do.
Balancing this understanding, you can still bring your needs before God in prayer. He stands ready to dispense more mercy and a covering of His unmatched comfort. First, however, you must take inventory of what God may say through your problems. C. S. Lewis once said, "God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain."

The purpose of God sending comfort is far greater than for your convenience. God comforts you to strengthen your character. Our endurance and trust in God will gradually increase as we contemplate these truths.

We can persevere and grow through life's struggles and storms by God's grace and keeping.

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