Good Decisions Require Discernment

August 1, 2023

You make decisions daily. Big or small, these determinations impact your life for better or worse. To avoid "buyer's remorse," you need discernment to make good decisions.
Psalm 119:66 says, "Teach me good judgment and discernment, for I rely on your commands."
Notice the meek heart of the psalmist. His prayer begins with a teachable spirit and a listening ear. We can trace many of our wrong choices back to hastiness and pride. However, any prayer that humbly seeks God's wisdom, counsel, and direction is good!
Specifically, the psalmist asked for "good judgment and discernment," which is the same provision. See, discernment is so essential that the psalmist added it twice in one prayer! Now the insight God is trying to give you and me is not just about our feelings or a form of convenience. Instead, God will often attach some step of faith to His guidance. That is why the psalmist declared his reliance on God's commands.
Being teachable, having good judgment, and following God's Word are all part of having a discerning mind. As you find this place of prudence in your thoughts, you move forward knowing that you sought God, listened for His leading, and considered the facts of your situation, and now you are ready to make a decision. You can apply this process to every decision you make. First Thessalonians 5:21 instructs us to "Examine everything and hold fast to that which is good."
Seek God's wisdom; He will grant you the guidance and levelheadedness you need to make excellent and discerning decisions!

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