You Can Have Unshakable Faith

You Can Have Unshakable Faith | September 29, 2023

Contrary to misconception, you can have an unshakeable faith when the circumstances around you become unstable. See, God has put it within reach of His children to trust Him implicitly by waiting with confidence that God will make a way. For example, David's approach was to wait as he endured some family drama. His son Absalom was trying to overthrow his father's reign and take the throne. David, a man of high position and stature, was in the crosshairs of a significant conflict, yet he maintained his faith.

‌Psalm 62:5-8 says, "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. 7 My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. 8 O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge."

‌Perhaps you can relate to David. You might be experiencing some drama of your own right now. Sure, it would be easy to complain, doubt, and turn heel on your faith, but that decision will only worsen matters and cause everything around you to be unsteady. A far better choice is to do like David and trust and wait on God. This action will produce an unshakeable faith. Yes, everything around you may be chaotic, but not your conviction in God to move or the certainty of His covering.

‌In describing God's covering of his people, Spurgeon said, "The tried believer not only abides in God as in a cavernous rock; but dwells in him as Warrior in some bravely defiant tower or lordly castle."

‌Knowing this, stand firm because, in Christ, you can have unshakeable faith. Psalm 125:1 says, "Those who trust in the Lord are steady as Mount Zion, unmoved by any circumstance."

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