Please Read The Bible

Jul 18, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

**Video Available Through YouTube Link**
Last week Hall of Fame Football coach and current football commentator Tony Dungy gave CNN's Don Lemon the best strategy when he said, "Please Read The Bible." The tweet came in response to the absurdity of Lemon's remarks that "Jesus was not perfect.” Lemon made the comment while discussing statues and monuments of the Founding Fathers. Lemon said, "Jesus Christ, admittedly, was not perfect when He was here on this earth, so why are we deifying the Founders of this country?"

The foolishness of this comment invited the humble yet bold Coach Dungy, a faithful follower of Christ, to politely correct Lemon. Dungy wrote, "I'm sorry Mr. Lemon but just who 'admitted' that Jesus Christ was not perfect here on earth? Not anyone who believes the Bible," Dungy wrote. "Not anyone who trusts in Jesus as their savior. I'm not sure the point you're making, but your premise is dead wrong. That was the point in Jesus coming!"

Dungey concluded his remarks by telling Lemon and others to investigate the evidence and "Please Read the Bible.” The perfection of Jesus Christ is not a debatable fact of Scripture. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says;

"For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ."

Lemon's misrepresentation of Jesus not only shows his sloppiness as a news journalist, but it also reveals the condition of his heart. Anyone who claims to be a believer in Jesus knows He is indeed the perfect, spotless lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. To miss, this core point of faith means that you are not a Christian and need to read the Bible. At one time, we were also standing on the opposite side of the cross, but the Word of God reached us! Therefore, let us pray for the words of life from Jesus to touch Lemon's heart and draw Him to the Father. In John 6:63, Jesus said;

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life."

Let us also apply Coach Dungy's instruction to read the Bible as well. We stand to benefit significantly when we are living under the Holy counsel of the Lord.