God Will Rain Down Justice

Jul 17, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

**Video Available Through YouTube Link**
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the largest hailstone on record to fall in the United States was an 8-inch volleyball-sized stone weighing two pounds that fell near Vivian South Dakota in 2010.

As astounding as that 2010 discovery must've been, it will pale in comparison to the hailstorm that will rain down from heaven during the seventh bowl judgment. Matthew 5:45, "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." At the end of the seven years of tribulation, God will punctuate His wrath on the unrighteous with an unprecedented hailstorm. Revelation 16:21 says;

"There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing as much as seventy-five pounds fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed God because of the terrible plague of the hailstorm."

Hail falling from heaven is a remarkable sight, but this particular storm will be dreadful. Whatever is left standing will be pummeled by these massive balls of hail. Combined with the velocity of the speed in which they will fall with their size, people will have nowhere to hide. As a result, they will curse and profane the name of God even more.

Reading through all twenty-one of these tribulation judgments (seals, trumpets, bowls) should not surprise anyone. While the Lord is patient and willing to extend to grace, He has repeatedly warned that the rains of justice and righteousness were coming. We see glimpses of that every day, but the hailstorm in Revelation will be unparalleled with any heavenly storm in history. Many times we wonder why God doesn't just smoke everyone who blasphemes His name or acts evil now. We can even get discouraged as the wicked prosper, but rest assure the Day of the Lord is coming, and it will include seventy-five-pound hailstones. The very size of the hailstones represents that there will be no way to escape God's justice.

What does this mean for us? While believers don't have to build hail bomb shelters, we should live with a renewed sense of reverence and trust in the timing of God's plan. No longer should we be discouraged by the wicked because their day is coming, and God's storm of justice will prepare the way for the finished work of our salvation. Isaiah 45:8a says;

"Heavens above, rain down justice; let the clouds pour it down. Let the earth open, so that salvation springs up, and justice sprouts with it...”