Sow Obedience Reap Blessing

Sep 15, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

When you sow obedience to God, you will reap God’s blessing. While the word obedience can be thought of with the same cringe as going for a dental procedure; regardless of our age, our spiritual maturity depends on our desire to be obedient before God. Like a good loving parent, God desires to bless you, especially when you’re willing to live the way that God desires for all of us to live. At times living in obedience won’t be easy. It can be in conflict with what we want and what we want to do, it can be in conflict with our desires or our version of morality; and it will always be in conflict with the world’s view on things. But rest assured that God has a one hundred percent track record in fulfilling His promise that you will reap blessing when you sow obedience.