Sow Forgiveness And Reap Restoration

Sep 29, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

People can hurt us, and we can hurt other people. There are conflicts and mistakes that can lead to broken relationships. It isn’t until there’s forgiveness that the relationship can be restored. From our jobs, to school, church, our neighbors, and to our families, we all have to rub shoulders with people. As we rub shoulders, and as we get closer in relationships, friendships, and working with people; it’s not easy. It’s hard work.

At a car show, we may see hundreds of cars all polished and perfect looking just like they came out of the factory; but what we don’t see is all of the hard work it takes to restore a car. There are many hours poured in as a labor of love to work out the dents, dings, and scratches all while repairing or replacing broken parts. In life, we also have dents and scratches, but thankfully, God in His love and graciousness has sown forgiveness into our lives to restore us. Once we place our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior our sins have been forgiven which restores us into a right relationship with God. As we have been forgiven much by God, we are also called to forgive much with those around us. In any relationship, when you reap forgiveness, you will reap restoration.