Principles Of Sowing And Reaping

Sep 8, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

When thinking about sowing and reaping, all the thoughts go to the harvest, but in order to have a good harvest you have to sow right Farmers look to the harvest in the fall, but all of the hard work was done in the spring. All of the efforts and all of the cultivating that was done Spring into Summer is going to hopefully produce a bountiful flourishing harvest.

Spiritually, relationally, financially, mentally, and emotionally everything you do in life is also governed by this principle. In fact, when you look to God's Word repeatedly we see this life principle of sowing and reaping. It's unmistakable. You can't miss it. Everything that we do in our life is governed by the principle of what we sow is what we reap. It's vital in our heart and our mind that we understand this principle and we live by it

Everything that you hope to become tomorrow depends on the choices you are making today; that's sowing and that's reaping. If we want to reap blessings in our lives, if we want to reap more peace in our lives, more confidence, more hope; we must be sowing the seeds that God has called us to sow.