Sow Self-Righteousness And Reap Rejection

Nov 10, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

Rejection is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way in your relationship with God. As our loving God, whose mercy is unmatched and grace is immeasurable, God has promised that He will not reject a broken and contrite heart. However, we set ourselves and our prayers up for rejection if we lack humility by being self-consumed, self-promoting, or self-righteous.

We can be rejected in dating, from a job, a program, a school, or anything else and we will eventually recover from it; but there is no getting over being rejected by God. Thankfully God does not want to reject us or reject our prayers, and if we come to God in humility and surrender then we have no need to fear God’s rejection. If you are willing to sow obedience, humility, meekness, and a contrite heart before God He will receive you every time. When we live life God’s way then we will live a life approved by God. On the flip side, if we live a life contrary to the things of God we’ll live with that rejection which is without question the root of all of our problems.

Avoid a multitude of life’s problems by taking heed to God’s warning; when you sow self-righteousness you reap rejection from God.