Strong Choice Of Thinking

Jan 19, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

“Be careful what you think about because your thoughts run your life” — Proverbs 4:23. Talking about our thoughts doesn’t always get enough air-time in discussions, but our thoughts are the epicenter of who we are. When it comes to our relationship with God, we have been given the greatest computer of all time which is our minds. God has given us our brains and His Word, the Bible, has much to say about how our minds are to be used, what’s best to put into our minds, and how our minds direct our lives. We are commanded to walk by faith, but walking by faith does not mean that we are to be airheads, or not use our brains. The idea of being a mindless follower has never been expressed by God. That is more like the teachings of Adolf Hitler when he said ‘what luck for rulers that men do not think for themselves.’ Our thoughts are so important that the devil will cloud them trying to get us to not think about God’s purpose in our lives, nor about His plans for them. The enemy certainly doesn’t want us thinking about God’s promises that remind us of His miracles and give us hope. Albert Einstein once said “thinking is hard work, that’s why so few people do it;” But if you choose to put the effort and energy into having a thought life that is based on faith and value; then you can make the strong choice of thinking in your life.