Strong Choice Of Faith

Feb 2, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

Faith has a unique ability to sustain you through life’s storms. Like all of us, you may wish that you didn’t have to go through life’s troubles, but the reality is that we all will go through them. It’s not a matter of ‘if’ storms will come, but it’s a matter of ‘when’ will they come; and when they come, faith is what you will need. Whether the troubles are internal from our own minds and actions, or external from circumstances and those around us; faith has the ability to not only sustain you through them but to propel you forward as well. Bring faith to your problems and not only will you be helped to get through your storm, but your perspective will also be changed for the better for the rest of your life from what you went through.

Faith at its foundation is a gift from God. None of us can have faith without God gifting it to us; however, our responsibility lies in making the strong choice to grow our faith by increasing our trust in God and His will for our lives. It’s a critical linchpin in your relationship with God. Faith is what saves you, and faith is what opens the door for miracles. Faith is a game-changer in your life. When you become a person of faith everything in your life changes. How you look at your finances, relationships, pleasures, possessions, plans, purposes, family; is all changed by a perspective of faith.

Whether you are in a storm, just came out of one, or are about to go into one; you can make the strong choice of faith by choosing to increase your trust in God and His will for your life