Strong Choice Of Perseverance

Mar 1, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

It is always too soon to quit! You don’t want to give up before the breakthrough comes. Life is filled with unpredictable difficulties, delays, disappointments, dissatisfactions, and disorderly circumstances. It can be like a never-ending game of Whack-A-Mole where as soon as you knock down one problem another seems to pop right back up soon after.

The setbacks are going to happen. People will fail us, and we know this because we’ve failed people in our own lives. Delays are going to happen. Something that was supposed to go our way didn’t, or it’s been delayed over and over again. We can find ourselves asking questions like; when is this going to happen God? When is this breakthrough going to come? When is this person going to change? When am I going to get out of debt? When will I be healed?

It comes down to making the choice to persevere. Choose to push through and not give up regardless of difficulties or delays. We must all make the choice of perseverance in our lives because we will give up if we don’t.

In our own strength we can probably persevere for a few days before we give up, but when we make the strong choice of perseverance by pushing through and looking to God; then we can get through our darkest hours. Through God’s mercy and grace, we can keep on keeping on through whatever comes our way in life.