Strong Choice Of Ethics

Jan 26, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

Without ethics there are scandals in corporations, there’s inappropriate behavior in the workplace, there’s a rise in bullying, a rise in suicides, and a multitude of other negative effects. A decline in current times can be traced back to a decline of ethics, but we can thankfully choose to turn things around in our own lives by making the strong choice of ethics. We do this by choosing to embrace ethics that are right before God and others.

No matter what yesterday and the past have looked like in your life, you can have a better tomorrow by starting to make the choice of ethics today. God-honoring ethics involves having integrity, where your personal and private life are the same; and where your morals, values, and life-guiding principles are based on God’s instructions in the Bible.

Despite being vital, having ethics can be frowned upon. Choosing to work hard at your job can cause people to assume that you are just doing it for a favor. Choosing to do the right thing can result in your head being bitten off. In school, you might get labeled for not wanting to take that drink, do that drug, or do whatever it is that everyone else is doing.

While many will try and get you to subscribe to their ethics; God has given us the ultimate guideline of ethics to follow, and that is what’s known as the golden rule. It is the standard for living, such that you may even know what it is without it being mentioned. More than just knowing what it is; the strong choice is to choose to apply God’s golden rule into your life. Jesus gives us this golden rule when He said; whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them. Embrace the ethics of the golden rule, which is right before God, and you will make the strong choice that leads to a strong life.