Healthy Are The Merciful

Jan 27, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

Healthy are the merciful, for they shall put out vibes of goodness. We all have friendships and relationships. Some go very well, and some of those relationships, if we’re being honest, they can annoy us to no end. We may find ourselves thinking that it would be great if we could live on a street or a nation where everyone looked, thought, and acted just like us, but we all have our differences. In this salad bowl we call life, God has great wisdom for us to be healthy in our relationships in how we react and receive other people.

God wants you to be happy in a real way. True happiness comes from health in our souls and of our hearts. The path to this ultimate happiness and health was shown to us by Jesus Christ in His sermon on the mount, where we get the beatitudes from. One of the elements of true happiness and health is to be merciful. Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy, Jesus tells us.

As things around us get meaner, more malicious, and more evil; it’s imperative for our own sanity that we have this Biblical teaching of mercy. You can’t talk about Christianity without mercy. A follower of Christ can’t go to church, or worship God, and be void of mercy. It is essential teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. Healthy are the merciful for they shall put out vibes of goodness.