Healthy Are The Pure In Heart

Feb 3, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

Healthy are the pure in heart, for they shall put out vibes of peace. When your heart is healthy with God, there is a peace in your life. Even with difficult circumstances and difficult people, because you’re right and healthy with God, there is peace in the midst of drama and difficulty. If you don’t have the peace that you need, your heart may be unhealthy before God. You may be trusting in everything else but God, or you may feel a conviction that you have some spiritual heart trouble going on; but the truth is if you keep ignoring the warning signs and keep on living spiritually unhealthy, then that can only lead to a spiritual coronary. God wants you to be at peace. God wants you have an understanding of who He is as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. When you’re heart is right with God, then you shall see God at work in and around you, and gain an understanding of His Word, as you walk through the troubles of life with a great sense of peace.