Healthy Are The Persecuted

Feb 18, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

How can you be happy and healthy if you’re persecuted when being persecuted is to be singled out and treated unfairly because of your faith? The answer lies within what Jesus Himself has taught us.. Someone who is being persecuted can be happy and healthy if they are living for the sake of righteousness. When you are living righteously you are living life in a way where there is a goodness about you, a way that’s pleasing to God. Righteousness is not living perfectly, not living a religious, but having a focus in your life that says that you want to live for the glory of God. When you live life in this way then even in the harshest of treatments you will still be blessed when you are living for God. No matter what you are going through live righteously by being faithful instead of being flaky. Whether it is at work, at school, by a neighbor, friend, family member, or enemy; if you are persecuted because of your faith and you hold firm to your convictions then you will put out vibes of faithfulness. Remain focused on living for God’s glory and you will live a life of happy and healthy righteousness. Healthy are the persecuted for they shall put out vibes of faithfulness.