Guarding Against Harmful Cravings
Don’t you have a few cravings for food? It could be two o’clock in the morning and you could find yourself craving something sweet, something salty, ice cream, pizza, cold food, hot food, or anything in between. You could crave and desire foods that are unhealthy for your body, yet you’ll still eat them to give in to the craving that you have.
You can draw a straight line between harmful cravings for food, and what the Bible talks about with temptation. These harmful cravings are temptations and solicitations to make unhealthy spiritual choices that lead to sin and bring you to a place of not being right with God.
When you are strong spiritually and have a soul that’s right with God, you put yourself in a place for God to demonstrate His strength in overcoming any stronghold, temptation, addiction, or problem in your life. But when you allow yourself to give in to the harmful craving of temptation, you disconnect yourself from God and His strength. That is why, in order to be spiritually healthy, you must guard against harmful cravings.