Getting Control Of Your Tastebuds
In the same way that your tongue can bless or curse others, your tongue can be a blessing or a curse with your eating habits. That’s your tastebuds. God has designed your tastebuds to send messages to your brain about the different foods that you are having. Before you think that you may have ruined your tastebuds by eating damaging foods or having a smoking habit; your tastebuds get replaced every 10-14 days. There’s an opportunity to change your eating habits just by the fact that God gives you new tastebuds every two weeks.
As your tastebuds play a critical role in how you eat, so does your taste for the word of God play a critical role in your understanding of the nutrition that comes from God’s Word. Just as it is important in physical nutrition to have control over your tastebuds, and what you are tasting, it’s important in your spiritual nutrition to get control of your spiritual tastebuds, by tasting God’s Word.