How To Find Nourishment From God
Here on Staten Island, and in America, it’s not hard to find food. To the left and right of the church, right across the street, and along the block are bagel stores, pizzerias, bakeries, delis, restaurants, and many other places for food. In every town on the Island, there are at least two pizzerias and a bakery. So it’s not about a problem with access to food when it comes to healthy nutrition. What it comes down to is having the right understanding of nutrition, and how to nourish your body with the proper foods. While you can get foods of all kinds at a moment’s notice, you can spend an unnecessary amount of time, money, and energy buying and eating foods that don’t nourish your body.
The same is true with God. People spend an unnecessary amount of money and resources trying to read signs from the stars, looking to people to tell them their fortune, or to have their palms read. There are people who take God’s Word in the Bible and distort it to try and tell you that everything’s going to be okay all the time. That it’s always going to be sunshine and lollipops. But the truth of the matter is that troubles will come. Then there are those who people go because they tell them what they want to hear just to feel better. In life, the sun doesn’t always come out tomorrow. Doubts, discouragements, trials, and temptations will come.
Just as you want to have the right nutrition in your body to be healthy physically, you want to have God’s proper nutrition to be healthy spiritually. So just as you need to know how to find nourishment from the right foods, you need to know how to find nourishment from God.