Taking The Path Of Sharing

Sep 17, 2017    Pastor Ray Parascando

Sharing was a major pathway of the early church, and it should be a pathway for all believers. Sharing should be a pathway in your home, at work, how you treat your neighbor, how you conduct and govern your life; because the highest level of living is giving. You don’t have to be a billionaire or older in years to give, as living a life of sharing is for everyone. You want to give yourself away to help others because as Jesus Himself has told us, it is better to give than to receive.

When it comes to giving, it’s about giving of who you are, giving of your time, your talents, and your treasures. Someone who gives and shares is who God has designed you to be. To not live this way will not only stifle your ability to have a strong faith, it will bring about a lot of frustration. God has planned for you to participate in His plans, and a major component of God’s plan for your life is in taking the path of sharing.