Pathway To Community

Sep 10, 2017    Pastor Ken Adams

You were not created to live life alone. When God created mankind, and when He created you, never was it in His mind that you were supposed to go through the storms, trials, joys, good times, and bad times of life alone. You were created to live your life in the context of community.

Family is part of God’s plan for community but it doesn’t stop there. God has called you to not only live in biological relationships, He’s also created you to live in spiritual relationships.

Life is filled with paths, and it is important that you give serious thought to whatever pathway you’re taking, because the path you take is going to determine where you end up in your life. Take the right path and you wind up in the right place. To get to the right destination in life, one of the paths that is essential for you to take is the pathway to community.