Taking The Path Of Prayer

Sep 3, 2017    Pastor Ray Parascando

As you try to see which road to go down in life, it can seem overwhelming to try and figure it out on your own. Some go to psychics, or tarot card readers, others try to follow a religious system, others do what feels right or good; but the pathway of life can be found, and be found laid our clearly in God’s Word, the Bible. God has preserved His council, His heart, His mind, and the directions for you right in the Scriptures.

While there is a lot of uncertainty in life, at home, on the job, with your health, or with your family; what is predictable are the promises of God. God has promised a pathway for you to follow; and not only has He promised it, He’s provided a pathway for you and all of us to follow. God has given us a pathway to eternity and heaven through Jesus Christ. He’s given us a pathway to have a relationship with God, His Church, and His people. God has also given us clear pathways in the way we should walk daily in order to fulfill the purpose that God has for your life. One pathway that God has given us to take, is the path of prayer.