Core For God

Jan 14, 2018    Pastor Ray Parascando

When you live your life by doing what God requires of you and leaving the results to Him, you’ll see that setting your core for God will renew you from the inside out. The innermost part of you is your core. It is who you truly are.

Especially in the New Year, we can set resolutions of change for ourselves. These can be anything from kicking a bad habit, wanting to lose weight, getting healthy in the checkbook, reconciling a broken relationship with someone or anything else. When it comes to change though, we usually want to do it on our own and we start on the outside. With doing things our own way and focusing on the outside, we can see by how our New Year’s Resolutions fail in just a few days or weeks that these changes are temporary at best. But God’s plan for legitimate and lasting change in your life begins inwardly at your core. If you want change in your marriage, your home, your heart, with the struggles that you have; then you have to look to God.

Living by the principle of doing what God requires and leaving the results to Him is to look at what is going on in your life and asking “what is God’s best for this situation?” Ask this question when it comes to all situations, with prayer request that you have, in relationships, in decisions, and in choices. We bring stress to ourselves, not by the problems we have; but by the way we can handle things. Instead of bringing God in only after the roof falls in, or only when things get tough, renew your core by walking alongside God daily. Live life by doing what God requires of you, leave the results to Him; and you’ll see how God will renew you from the inside out.