
Sep 1, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

You can be successful in life with a mentality of stewardship. While stewardship has been known to be about finances, there’s a lot more to managing life than money. Stewardship is about managing our lives, our families, our skills, our abilities, our time, and managing our lives. Living life on the path of success comes from making shifts in how we manage our lives so that we are connected to God with a vibrant fellowship. Though a popular song, Frank Sinatra’s, My Way, is actually not a church hymn, nor a fruitful way to live our lives. The truth is that God is the owner of our lives, and we are the managers of our lives. Live a Steward-shift life by managing your life according to God’s instruction as the owner. Stewardship starts with a Steward-shift from an owner’s mentality to a manager’s mentality.