
Jul 7, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

While this life will have difficulties and distractions, when we shift our focus from being earthly citizens to being citizens to come of heaven; then our life change happens. The best for all of our lives is to look at everything through the light of heaven, with a big picture mentality, and that this is not all that there is. We have a hope beyond this world. Our hope is not tied to what’s in our bank accounts or driveways, it’s not tied into any trophy or accomplishment, it’s not tied into any diploma or achievement; our hope is because of Jesus Christ. With a faith in Christ we become citizens of heaven. When we take our citizenship and Citizen-Shift our focus to view everything from this perspective; then we filter out the garbage that can come with difficulties and distractions. With a Citizen-Shifted perspective, we will no longer place our hope in earthly things that will fail us, we instead depend on Jesus Christ. Citizen-Shift happens when we view our problems, pressures, people, past, pains, and prosperity in the light of heaven.