
Aug 4, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

A fan? Or a follower? That is the question. When it comes to Jesus Christ we must all ask ourselves which are we? In sports, there are plenty of fans. When the teams do great they are there paying any amount for a ticket no matter how long they have to wait in line or travel. When that same team isn’t doing well, then those same fans boo and stay home. Some just start watching teams after they win a championship, only to stop watching when things get tough again. Sometimes we can do the same with God.

When things are going great we can be all in with God, but when things are going not so great, that’s when we start to boo and complain to God as our focus on Him is the first thing we’ll drop. We must ask ourselves again, which are we when it comes to Jesus Christ? Are we fans, or are we followers? To be a disciple is to be a follower. We are all followers of something or someone, so we might as well be sure that we are following what is right. Growth in the Christian life comes from discipleship, and it starts with a Disciple-Shift from a fan of Jesus to a committed follower of Jesus Christ.

Yes, it requires commitment. Commitment can be a scary word for some, but the reality is true. When we commit wholeheartedly fo being a follower of Jesus Christ, then we will become a committed follower of Jesus Christ. We become what we are committed to, and there is no greater commitment than to dedicate ourselves to a life of following Jesus Christ.