How To Find God's Favor

Dec 15, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

Whether you are going through a trial or a triumph right now, you need the favor of God. In life, there are situations that we can feel are impossible. Maybe you felt like you didn't measure up to a standard, a responsibility, or a task. It might even be a financial problem, a family problem, an internal problem; and you just feel no matter which way you look at it it’s not going to turn out well. We can start to have questions pop up like; Can I really get through this? Can this really be accomplished? Could this happen?

You may not realize this, but if your faith is in Jesus Christ then you are a child of God who is connected to extraordinary resources. There is limitless courage for you to take the steps of faith that you have been scared to take. You have provisions of purpose waiting for you. Provisions of power, of peace, of presence. God has something waiting for you called refuge. God has wisdom waiting for you. God has hope waiting for you.
This isn’t a fortune cookie or a fantasy, this is called the favor of God.

People spend their life scratching and crawling for significance. People even try to go to church to find some type of material prosperity. There's something even greater than that; it's called the favor of God and you should spend your life seeking the favor of God. Some may think the favor of God is a lottery system, or something unattainable, but through the Christmas story, especially the birth announcement of Jesus Christ to Mary you can learn how to find God’s favor in your own life.