How To Make Room For Jesus

Dec 25, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

While Baby Yoda is this Christmas season's most sought after gift; Christmas is all about Baby Jesus. Even before the Baby Yoda craze there was Tickle Me Elmo, and Cabbage Patch Dolls as highly sought after gifts. While these gifts were exclusive to get in limited quantities and expensive to purchase as demands rise; Christmas is a reminder that the most exclusive and the most expensive gift of all time came at the first Christmas, and His Name is Jesus Christ.

In the Christmas season, we can have a long list of things to do. We get stressed out, and we fight with our family. What we don’t want to get lost in the shuffle of all of this is that Christmas is a time to remember that we have a great hope in Jesus Christ. Each Christmas season we should guard ourselves against not leaving room for Jesus in our lives. On the first Christmas, Mary and Joseph encountered those who had no room for them, nor for their soon to be born baby Jesus. The innkeepers and others didn’t make room for Jesus, but we can have hope from the message of Christmas when we make room for Jesus in our lives.