How To Have A Hopeful New Year

Dec 29, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

Look to the message of Christmas and you can have a hopeful new year. After Christmas and before New Year’s day things can start to change. On the radio, the Christmas music stops, and in the stores, Christmas decorations are soon replaced for Valentine’s Day gear. However, if you want to have the other kind of change in the new year, it requires a focus on the message of Christmas, which is hope.

The hope of Christ brings us a new opportunity for a hopeful new year. We don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity by merely making resolutions to shed a few inches off our waist or to pay back some debt only to gain the inches and the debt right back a few months later. Christmas and the coming of Christ into this world give us a legitimate reason to have lasting change that sustains into and beyond the new year. When we evaluate how we did this past year, and plan on how we can improve moving forward; by God’s grace, we can live for His glory and realize the dreams and purposes that God has for our lives.