Habit Of Confession

Jun 12, 2016    Pastor Ray Parascando

“I know what confession is…. you wait on a line, you say something of contrition, you make up a few things to confess, and you kind of hide it and sneak in something really big, but you don’t go into full detail because you don’t want to get arrested or people to think anything bad of you.

That’s usually what’s thought of with confession. That you’ve got to tell somebody else your sins and they have some magical powers or a hotline to God, and they’ll give you a penance of what needs to be done.

That’s the perception, but thankfully, there is only one mediator from God to man and that is not somebody else, that is Jesus Christ.

No matter where you stand, God gives you an open door policy to speak directly to Him about your struggles and your guilt. That’s the last thing the Enemy wants you to know, that you can confess your sins to God. The Enemy would rather you stay stuck in guilt.

We all struggle with guilt. You’ve tried to carry your guilt, but we all know that we don’t have big enough shoulders to deal with it. Only God can deal with your guilt, and the good news is that He will deal with your guilt when you confess to Him.

If you confess your sins directly to God, He is faithful and righteous to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you from all of your unrighteousness. God is standing at the ready to dispense forgiveness to those who come before Him in genuine and heartfelt confession.