Battle For Immortality

Apr 21, 2019    Pastor Ray Parascando

The centerpiece of our Christian faith is the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a great battle was won from Good Friday to Easter Sunday in that Jesus Christ, as was prophesied and promised, defeated death on the third day. The greatest battle of all time was won. and we should take great comfort in that because life is filled with one battle after another. Battle for health, family, sanity, pay bills, just to get up in the morning. Whether the battle is at home, heart, work, or in your mind; this much is true that our hope to continue in our battle has everything to do with God. God has promised to fight the battle, and not just fight, but to win; and that includes the battle for immortality. Everyone of us wrestle with our own immortality. Mortality is a very real issue, but thankfully the battle for immortality has already been won on the first Easter morning when Jesus Christ was resurrected.