Joy For Those That Are Waiting

Dec 4, 2016    Pastor Ray Parascando

God is the exclusive source of real and lasting joy. And that joy is what Christmas is all about. You may find yourself saying “It’s tough for me to get into the Christmas spirit” because of bills, serious issues like job loss, sickness in the family, disagreements, or other adverse circumstances. If the Christmas spirit was all about being happy, then you wouldn’t be necessarily wrong if all the Christmas spirit was about is being happy.

Christmas isn’t just about being happy, the songs on the radio, the decorations, and everything else. It’s much more than that. God doesn’t want you to just get fixated on getting happy in this life. He wants you to know about joy. Joy is the secure and steadfast confidence that God is in control, regardless of how adverse our circumstances may be. So as you are waiting on God for circumstances to get better, or for something else to happen in your life, know that there is joy for those that are waiting.