Joy For Those That Are Trusting

Dec 25, 2016    Pastor Ray Parascando    Luke 2:1-7

The great “theologian”, Linus, once said “Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who could turn a wonderful season like Christmas into a problem” It seems like there are many Charlie Browns in your life during this time of year. You might have had a Christmas dinner where a relative turned things into a problem. You could have a road-raged driver on the road with you who turned Christmas into a problem. Sometimes you encounter people who don’t like the gifts they get, or they don’t get what they want, and they too turn Christmas into a problem.

It’s not just Christmas that gets turned into a problem. People have a habit of turning life into a problem too, and that is because they are missing the true blessing of God’s grace. God blesses you with many important gifts from His Throne above, but perhaps no gift is more precious than the joy that He gives. That is what Christmas is all about, God’s great joy for all people that comes through the birth of Jesus Christ.